
Hey, there!

Mom, entrepreneur, Physician Assistant, intuitive; I’m a multi-passionate with my biggest motivator being changing this world with my God-given gifts by raising the emotional intelligence and self-awareness of our collective.

Any worth-while journey is rarely linear and mine is no different. I spent most of my young adult life thinking that I would find the one thing that made my heart sing and live the rest of my life happy and content. Of course, this was all the while I was acting in my high school plays, managing the lacrosse team, volunteering with individuals with disabilities, and being the captain of my National Ocean Science Bowl team (amongst many other clubs). So, I did what everyone else does. Picked a logical career choice as a college major and thought that I would just ride the wave of the American dream.

Cue 25 pivots later.

I became a Physician Assistant following a change of major in my undergraduate career and another change of major in my first graduate program (Physician Assistant Studies being my second graduate program). I changed careers as a Physician Assistant three times. I’ve left my career in medicine twice. I’ve dabbled in therapeutic counseling. I received my Reiki level I and II and I became a master in the Akashic Records. I’ve fallen in love with writing and with podcasting.

When spirit whispers a new direction in the winds, I listen. Sometimes not right away, but I listen.

Change is inevitable. I whole-heartedly believe that when we fight it we become miserable and if we fight it long enough we suffer physical ailments mirroring the very things that we are denying ourselves.

I love that I am able to read and pick apart scientific articles and then turn around the next day and see spirits on my staircase. I love that I had a home-birth a year to the day I heard my son’s voice that he was ready to come Earth-side and I love that I used evidence-based care throughout my pregnancy. I love that I have found my voice in both worlds and I love even more how beautifully I weave these worlds together.

My offerings are meant to bring out, as cliche as it sounds, the most authentic version of you, before fear and generational trauma changed your inner most essence. Whether it by learning the why in an Akashic Record Reading, the how in FEMboldened, or by receiving long-lasting transformation with my signature Hydropathic Attunements, I’m here to meet you where you are at and be your travel guide to who you get to be in this lifetime.

I cannot wait to meet you and witness who you become on the other side.